Archives for 2019

Podcast Episode Round-Up: Learn From The Best This Holiday Season


We put together a “holiday playlist” for you, featuring 8 of our TOP episodes from Inside the Greenroom!

These episodes feature some of the world’s TOP meeting planners, and are LOADED with information you won’t find anywhere else – and the perfect playlist to listen to as you travel for the holidays! 

Our top 8 episodes from Inside the Greenroom…

Bari Baumgardner: “The Art Of Why – How Strategy Can Make Or Break Your Event

Get Bari’s 4-Part “Strategy First” approach to running profitable live events. Learn the key questions you must answer before starting to plan your events PLUS how to win stages as a beginning speaker.

Check out Bari’s Interview here! 


Michael Hyatt: How I Overcame Stage Fright (And How You Can Too)

In this episode, we discuss how to overcome the fear of speaking, avoid the “road warrior” trap, and how to host a world-class live event. Michael Hyatt also shares his “double win” concept, which shows how it’s possible to win in both business and life, without having to sacrifice your family. 

Check out Michael’s interview here!


Ryan Deiss: The Blueprint For Event Revenue

Ryan is the one who introduced me to the power of online stages, and he’s been a valuable mentor in my business. In this episode, we discuss the Top 4 Event Business models – and how you REALLY make money from events. 

Check out Ryan’s interview here!


John Ruhlin: The ROI Of Gifting Small Gestures With Big Impact

Learn how to create wins for both the meeting planner and the speaker. John also shares the prospecting strategies, bartering fees, building relationships with clients, and small “ninja tips” that ultimately make a big difference. 

Check out John Ruhlin’s interview here!


Chalene & Bret Johnson: Using Events To Create Raving Fans

Chalene and her husband, Bret Johnson, have built multimillion-dollar businesses and have been running events together for decades! In this episode, you’ll learn how they’ve created raving fans across multiple industries, how they select the perfect speakers for their events, and how to pick the right venue to host your own events. 

Check out Chalene & Bret’s interview here!


Roland Frasier: How We Sold Our Event, And How You Can Too

In this episode, you’ll learn how to build a company you can sell. We also discuss how to create your events so that they become an asset. 

Check out Roland’s interview here!


Jon Berghoff: How To Add A Zero To Your Paycheck Through Learning Environment With Jon Berghoff

Jon shows you how to run a new type of event that gets your audience engaged throughout the entire process, and has them leave wanting to come back for more. We discuss transforming the type of event from passive to active learning, crowdsourcing wisdom from event attendees, orchestrating the event to help people connect easier, and much more! 

Check out Jon Berghoff’s interview here!


Daniel Tardy: How Dave Ramsey’s Team Fills High-Ticket Events

In this episode, we dig into the nitty-gritty details of what it takes to both FILL and RUN a world-class event – creating an experience that leaves people enthusiastically wanting to come back again and again, year after year. 

Check out Daniel’s interview here!



The Power of Free Stages

Don’t we all want to get on PAID stages?

I just recently heard one of our clients talk about how they offered Dwayne Johnson (The Rock), $750,000 to speak on their stage.

This is higher than former Presidents of the United States of America – they make about a quarter of a million dollars to speak on a stage.

There are advantages to paid stages, and we here at Advance Your Reach hope your keynote fees continue to increase as you progress in your career.

At the same time, what if I told you there’s a “hidden power” in free stages? One that is so powerful that can even make them more valuable than paid stages? That’s what today’s post is all about. The power of free stages, and the situations where it makes sense to get on them.

Situation #1 – When You’re Getting Started

Not only are free stages a “good idea” when you’re just getting started, but they are most likely a necessity for most people. There are people who do a 90-day challenge, which I highly encourage you to do as well. This “challenge” means you strive to get on as many free stages as possible within the next 90 days.

Beginners just getting started will gain some credibility in the marketplace, and this serves as your opportunity to do so. In addition, you’ll be gaining experience and feedback within the process, which is extremely valuable for any speaker – paid or not.

Situation #2 – Having Powerful Associations Around You

If I’m given the opportunity to be on a stage with other influential people, I would take that stage in a heartbeat – paid or not. If your audience sees you on stage with other experts, they automatically assume you’re an expert as well. When you can associate yourself without other powerful names, it elevates your position in the market, and going on stage for free becomes WELL worth it.

You’ll be able to say the names of who you shared the stage with when conveying your credibility, you can get incredible footage, and you can even get testimonials. In addition, we’ve had several cases where “big name” celebrities have decided to work with us after being on stage with them, which leads me to my next point…

Situation #3 – Having an Audience of Potential Buyers

I saved the best for last because this is the most important bucket of free stages. If the majority of the people in the audience could potentially buy your products and services, it’s a complete no brainer to take a free stage.

The same thing holds true for the keynote speakers out there who make their living off of keynote fees. In fact, if I was a keynote speaker and the majority of my audience could purchase my products and services, I would take a free stage over a $25,000 keynote fee any day.

Why would I do something crazy like that?

Because often, the value of the audience investing in your products and services is a LOT more valuable than just the keynote fee itself. Many of my free stages have made more money than former Presidents of the United States, who usually get paid $250,000 or more for a talk.

Therefore, I urge you to never “knock” the free stage OR think it’s beneath you.

Want to know the different TYPES of free stages you can get on?

Download our Stage Matrix here, where you’ll discover the 80 types of stages you can land – including those that are free.

So go out, and get on those free stages!

They may be even more valuable than a 5-figure keynote fee…

-Pete Vargas

PS. I can’t wait to hear from you…how are you using free stages in your business?


How to Sell Without Being Salesy

When I entered into this market a few years ago and attended business events and conferences, I always wondered:

“Why are people so hard-core salesy on stage? Why are they forcing me to run to the back of the room to purchase their program?”

It felt so sleazy, that I felt like I needed a shower after these conferences! When I started speaking, I vowed that I would NEVER make an audience feel that way.

Now – I’m not saying that “selling” is bad or evil. In fact, if you have a product or service that helps people, it’s your job to get it in the hands of your audience. However, there’s a way to do that without being overly salesy. Watch the video for the full framework.

Tip #1: Know The Story Braid Framework

The first step is to use the Story Braid Framework. This should be the structure for each talk you give.

You start with the heart, then give them content by teaching their minds on what to do, give them a call to action (hands), and then close with the heart.

If you do not have access to the Story Braid Framework be sure to click here to download it!

Tip #2: Don’t Tease Them, TEACH Them

The #1 mistake “salesy” speakers make is they tease their audience. They don’t give any content away and teach, they tease how amazing their content is going to be…only if you pay. So their entire talk is just a sales pitch.

The better alternative is to TEACH them, and not tease them. You should teach them the methodology on what it takes for them to get results in their lives and being able to show them how to move a step in the right direction. Teaching them how to move to a more desirable state in their finances, businesses, relationships, wealth, or whichever niche you’re in.

Sooo how do you sell WHILE giving away your content?

Tip #3: Embed Throughout Your Presentation

As you’re teaching your content, EMBED two things throughout your presentation: case studies and stories.

You should embed case studies and stories of people using what you teach, and what their results were – be it in their business, relationships, finances, etc.

Once you embed these stories, the audience will want to go deeper with you, and it will NOT feel forced in any way. Rather than “dangling a carrot,” you will be perceived as offering a hand of help, and it will be up to them to take it or not.

This reminds me of one of our clients…

He didn’t want to be slimy, so he was reluctant to make an offer from stage.

We started working together, and we advised him to embed stories and case studies throughout his presentation. Once he made these changes, he converted an audience at 37% with a $5,500 offer – and he didn’t ONCE feel salesy through the entire process!

There was a quote by Tom Ziglar, who’s the son of Zig Ziglar. He said, “you have a moral obligation to have people go deeper with your products and services because your products and services are what’s going to change their lives.” You can do it from a place of not being salesy and sleazy – and you do this by teaching and not teasing.

You’ll also want to be following the Story Braid Framework to properly structure your presentation, and you’ll want to click here to download it.

So go out, and make it happen!

-Pete Vargas


How to Overcome Stage Fright

Studies tell us that there are people who would rather DIE than get on stage, and speak publicly.

At the start of my career, I may have been one of them…

I can still remember the very first time I spoke on stage in front of a few hundred people.

I was terrified.


Holding the mic with two hands, and sweating.

I was also afraid what everyone would think of me.

In short – I was suffering from crippling stage fright. After that experience, I knew I had to figure out how to overcome this.

Stage fright is by far one of the most universal human fears, and in today’s pos,t I will outline seven tips I personally use to overcome it.

Tip #1: Have Clarity on These 3 Things…

Before you hop on stage, you must know these three things…

1 – The problem you solve.

2 – Who you serve.

3 – Your Signature Talk to that audience.

Clarity must be formed around these three integral aspects before you even hop on stage. Knowing these will boost your confidence as a speaker and is the starting point to overcoming stage fright.

Tip #2: Own Your Story

My story is my story. Your story is your story.

No matter how much competition you feel is in your niche or industry, the one thing no one can duplicate is your personal story.

This is one thing that is unique to you, so make sure to OWN it and don’t be shy about expressing it.

Tip #3: Practice, Practice, Practice

This was crucial. Nothing makes you more confident than preparation.

I practiced in my home. I practiced in front of my kids, I practiced in front of my wife, I practiced in front of my team. I practiced in a one-on-one conversation. I practiced in a small stage with five people, low stakes, high practice.

The more you practice in a low-stakes environment, the more comfortable you’ll feel when it comes to the actual stage.

Tip #4: Have a Pregame Routine

I have a pre-game routine before I get on every stage, and it’s become a ritual ever since I started doing it a few years ago.

My pregame routine has me looking at my one signature talk and going through it and imagining it, the crowd in it, and just really focusing on delivering something powerful.

I then pray. I spend a lot of time visualizing the impact that I’m going to make on that crowd. I make sure to focus on the crowd because it’s about them, not me.

I then dance. I dance a little bit before I get onstage, I loosen up and I get excited.

And then, it’s go time!

My pregame routine does not have to be your pregame routine. The important thing is that you should have one that works for you!

Tip #5: Find the SMILES 🙂

Once I’m on stage, I find someone on the left side of the crowd with a smiling face. I then find someone in the middle on the right who also are smiling.

From there, whenever I look in that direction, I look at that specific person in the crowd and talk as though I’m having a one-on-one conversation with them. I talk to them like I’m talking to my wife or my best friend.

I find the people who are radiant. Those who are “leaning in” and have great body language, and I make sure to focus on them the entire time.

Tip #6: Just Breathe

I am so grateful for one of my coaches who taught me this, which is to BREATHE.

It sounds simple, it sounds like common knowledge, but it’s something a lot of us forget to do. One of the reasons you get shaky and your knees get shaky is because you’re not breathing, you stop breathing.

Remember to always breathe on stage.

Tip #7: Own the Stage

The last thing I do is own the physicality of the stage. When I step on that stage and I look right, I look left or I look in the middle my physicality is confident.

Whatever you feel, your audience will feel.

If your physicality is confident, then they’ll be confident in what you’re saying.

Bonus Tip: The Root of Stage Fright

Since stepping out on stages myself I’ve realized, that ultimately the root of stage fright is that we’re in our own heads thinking about ourselves and what other people are going to think about us – INSTEAD of focusing on how we are going to serve the audience.

If you want to overcome stage fright, get out of your own head and start thinking about those who you serve!

Now, you might be thinking – this is all GREAT Pete, but what do I say when I’m on stage?

You need a Signature Talk.

If you don’t have one yet (or wish to improve your current one), click here to download our Story Braid Framework, and find out how you can get my team to help map yours out for you – FREE!


-Pete Vargas


The #1 Marketing Tool in Your Toolbox: You ONLY need ONE Signature Talk

Your Signature Talk.

The greatest marketing tool in your toolbox. Why?

You can use this SAME talk on ALL platforms – including online and offline stages.

It was just ONE great Signature Talk that helped us go from zero to seven figures at AYR. And we STILL use this Talk.

A while ago, I was talking with a pretty well-known entrepreneur (you would probably recognize her name). She was sharing how she LOVED speaking–that she loved connecting with people in person, but she didn’t do it often.

“Pete, the reason why I don’t speak is because of the creative energy that I have to do every single time that I get invited to a new stage, I have to come up with another talk.”

A new talk is a lot of work. My friend Todd Herman said he thought it was 40 – 50 hours of work.

If you want to use stages as a consistent, reliable customer acquisition channel, you need more time ON stages and less type prepping for stages.

Having ONE great Signature Talk using the Story Braid Framework.

Back to my friend… I shared our Story Braid Framework with her and how ONE great Signature Talk is all she needs. And it’s all you need as well.

She said, “Wow, I’ve never done it that way. And you’re absolutely right.”

What about you?

Do you have ONE Great Signature Talk dialed in?

Watch our video above for the complete 4-part Story Braid Framework (and CLICK HERE to download it).

AND… I have a gift for you…

My team is on standby to help you map out your Signature Talk. FREE.

Click here to schedule a Signature Talk Design Session with my team.


-Pete Vargas


3 Steps to Connect with ANYONE

Back when we started to Advance Your Reach a few years ago, I attended a conference and knew absolutely nobody.

I decided that I was going to host a little mastermind in my hotel room, and I invited about 15 people who I wanted to meet.

The result?

A few of those people are some of my closest friends today – and I’m still connected to everyone who came! This snowballed into countless introductions and connections made, as well as many partners we’ve made for our business.

My team pushed me to share HOW I’ve done this, and so I spent time reflecting…and realized there are 3 Key things we do – the WIN Framework.

Next week is the anniversary of that first gathering in my hotel room and it HAS snowballed. A friend I met at that event 4 years ago and I are hosting our 3rd annual party at that same event – over 100 of the top influencers are going to be there. So this was the PERFECT time to share our WIN Framework with you.



Identify Who You Want to Connect With

Identify who you want to connect with. Write down a list of 5 to 10 people you’d like to connect with.

Identify their “win.”

What does that mean?

What helps them win in life?

What helps them win in their business?

What helps them win in their marriage?

What helps them win with their families?

Do they want to be on a stage?

Do they want to be connected to somebody?

Do they need help with something?

Do they need help with something?


What is their win? That’s what connection boils down to.

Zig Ziglar said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”

N – Nurture

The initial “investment” is easy. It’s a great start, but you can’t stop there. How can you nurture this relationship?

Nurture them by checking in on them, sending them gifts during special occasions, or just simply pinging them.

Doing this on a consistent basis is really the secret to building long-term relationships that stick!

Download this week’s worksheet (no opt-in required). Watch this week’s video for the complete WIN framework and put it into action! I can’t wait to see what you experience. Let me know in the comments below.