After booking over 25,000 stages across the world, a few years ago I was challenged by my friend and mentor Brendon Burchard to host a live event.
That seemed impossible; I didn't have a list and had just launched my business to help speakers, authors, coaches, entrepreneurs, small businesses and non-profits learn how to leverage stages to grow their reach and their revenues.
However, I was hungry to take on the challenge; I assembled my team in my office and literally we looked at each other and said, "OK...we're doing a live event...who do we know?"
We wrote names on the white board and started to reach out to them.
After a ton of phone calls and endless emails, we cobbled together 47 people to come to the first ever REACH Academy Live in November 2015.
In the weeks leading up to the event, I knew I wanted something to be different.
Not just a great event with great content, but a unique opportunity.
I wanted something people would talk about for a long time.