Your Signature Talk Is the greatest marketing tool in your toolbelt. In other words… YOU are one Signature Talk away from transforming your business.
If you’re ready to create an unforgettable presentation, your next step is saying “Yes!” to our Signature Talk Execution Workshop. It has the power to change your life and the lives of so many others.
This isn’t a theory driven event. You will walk away with your signature talk – CREATED. Are you interested?
Three key steps to growing your business through speaking. Each step is crucial, but your Story is where you can create POWERFUL connections.
The most effective way to do this is through 1 High-Converting Signature Talk.
The same speaking coach who works with Fortune 500 CEO’s and world-renowned communicators wants to coach YOU.
Are you interested?
When I started Advance Your Reach in 2015, I knew I needed a powerful Signature Talk.
I spent weeks on it, writing, rewriting, deleting, trying to create a talk I knew my audience needed to hear.
Honestly, I thought my talk was great…until I met Pat Quinn.
With just a few small changes, Pat turned my good talk into an amazing Signature Talk. This is a talk I still use today because Pat’s influence made my talk unforgettable.
Pat helped me develop my second and third Signature Talks. He’s become a close friend and the coach we use to help our top-level clients create their Signature Talks.
And now, he wants to help you create YOUR
High-Converting Signature Talk.
Our team at Advance Your Reach is dedicated to changing the world one powerful message at a time. Our mission over the next ten years is to reach one billion people through one million stages through our work. That’s because we believe in you.
You have a powerful message to share. There are audiences around the world who are craving what you want to tell them. Whether it’s a handful of people or millions, this is your chance to share a powerful message.
It starts with YOUR Story.
That’s why I want to personally invite you to our upcoming Signature Talk Execution Workshop.
This two-day experience is all about crafting YOUR Story. The only person I trust to deliver the results you need is Pat Quinn, which is why he is the leader for our Signature Talk Execution Workshop.
We focus completely on building out your High-Converting Signature Talk. Pat will help you craft an amazing presentation, and then, he will coach you on how to deliver that presentation so you can crush it on every stage.
If you’re ready to create an unforgettable presentation, your next step is saying “Yes!” to our Signature Talk Execution Workshop.
It has the power to change your life and the lives of so many others because you said “Yes!”
Do you want to give a good talk… or do you want to be amazing?
Our Signature Talk Execution Workshop with Pat Quinn is a two-day intensive designed to raise the quality of your message to unprecedented heights.
No matter your background, industry, or talk topic, Pat’s wizardry can make your message unforgettable. Even if you’re getting standing ovations on a consistent basis, how does that translate to actual impact and revenue?
People going deeper with you: sales, contracts, further commitments, those are a few of the benchmarks of a great Signature Talk.
How do you make your message stand out in the noise? By using our proprietary Story Braid Framework.
What makes a talk memorable, even remarkable to your audience?
How do you craft and share a powerful Signature Talk in a way that any audience will love?
By using the four parts of our Story Braid Framework.
Think of this framework as a four-act performance where you guide your audience to connect with their heads, their hearts, and their hands.
Pat Quinn will guide you through each of the four parts of the Story Braid Framework at our Signature Talk Execution Workshop.
This process will help you tell your story like never before. In just two days, you’ll learn how to position your message to over-deliver every time you go on stage!
Using our proprietary method and some coaching magic, Pat Quinn will help you create your world-class presentation that will connect with and entertain audiences. Most importantly – the audience will be clamouring to go deeper with your products and services.
Pat will coach you through how to deliver your Signature Talk. You will command standing ovations and amazing results with Pat’s guidance. Pat won’t change your style or personality; he will give you specific small changes so YOU can be the best speaker you can be.
You will know exactly how to leverage audience applause and interest into the most profitable response. This will raise the value of any event for your business.
This isn’t a theory-driven event; you will create your Signature Talk and know EXACTLY how to maximize results!
If coaching speakers to be unforgettable on stage were an Olympic sport, Pat Quinn would win the Gold Medal. He is simply the best.
Having the Story Braid process laid out step by step helped! Over a third of the room closed, and it was an $18,000 day for me.
We took content I was already good at and created a presentation that I could have never created without you. You have an uncanny way of putting sparkle on a presentation that converts. I really appreciate you. Thank you.
Our numbers are already improving. We normally convert 40% and we’re now already in the 50% range.
I continue to use my Signature Talk framework in everything I do. I did my talk in front
of 14 people at my Powerhouse Retreat, and made an offer, and 10 people said yes. It was my biggest week =$111,000. A small yet powerful stage!
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DISCLAIMER: These results are not typical. You may experience different results depending on the effort you put in, your own personality, your background, and your current business level. Our average customer that implements our strategies generally increases the number of stages that they speak on.